Located in District Liukang Tupabiring, District Pangkajene Islands (Pangkep) of South Sulawesi Province area. With an area of 50 000 ha Geographic Location 4 ° 47'00 "- 4 ° 50'10" latitude and 119 ° 17'00 "119 ° 22'25" E . Natural Park (sea) Kapoposang Islands is one type of representative reef edge / flat, seagrass, and mangrove areas in Sulawesi. Coral reef edge is a major ecosystem, the waters surrounding the islands form the mainland Kapoposang. Coral reef (reef flats) as far as 200 meters to edge, with a depth of 1-10 meters at low tide.The types that have been identified at a depth of less than 10 meters as much as nine families of hard corals, a family of soft corals, anemones two families, four families and five families gorgonian sponges. Kind of like a giant sponge Xestopongia sp. Stone can be seen in the waters Mandura.
Coral species most commonly found are species Acropora sp., Pocillopora sp., Porites sp., Goniopora sp., Alveopora sp., Pectinia sp., Lobophyllia sp. and others. These rocks have a structure and a diverse color shades such as branched forms, form tables, forms the brain and soft corals.The types of reef fish in the sea catfish Islands Kapoposang like (Plotosus lineatus), lizard fish (Synodus sp.), Scorpionfish chicken (Pterois volitans), grouper (Cephalopholis miniata), napoleon (Chelinius undulatus), yellow tail (Caesio cuning ), leadership (Chaetodon sp.), angelfish (Centropyge multifasciatus), flag (Heniochus singularius), sergeant major (Abudefduf sp.), penguin (Gomphosus varius), the Moorish idol (Zanclus canescens), parrotfish (Scarus bleekeri), double-saddle butterflyfish (Chaetodon ulietensis) and other seagrass. which are found living around the waters like Enhalus acoroides Kapoposang Islands, Thallasia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea nonosa, Syringodium filiforme and Halophila minor.While this type of algae found in this region such as Halimeda cylindracea, Padina gymnospora., Boergesenii forbesii, Hypnea sp., Gracillaria sp., Euchema alvarezii, and other molluscs. Most commonly group found in this region consists of the class Gastropoda (group snails) and Pelecypoda (shellfish group). Besides, there are still other classes of Amphineura, Scaphopoda and cephalopod. Some large-sized sea snails among (Trochus niloticus), the eyes of the month (Turbo marmoratus Linnaeus), triton trumpet snail (Charonia tritonis), head of the goat (Cassis cornuta) and tedong-tedong (Lambis chiragra).
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Kapoposang Island |
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Langkadea Island |
Wildlife that can be viewed as a white belly sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), white heron (Egretta sp.), King prawn (Alcedo atthis), flying fox (Pteropus vampirus), gray dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).
Mangroves and coastal forests are characterized by a number of Rhizophora sp, Avicenia sp. and sea pine (Casuarina equisetifolia). Typical of marine tourism park is the beautiful underwater scenery with a diversity of fish, coral reefs are still relatively good and supported by white sand with a relatively fine grained, and is a marine tourism that attracts most visitors. In addition, small islands there is the resting place of the sunrise while enjoying the scenery and sets, fishing and swimming.
Condition Regions
Most communities in the areas around the Islands Kapoposang is Bugis, which is quite aware of the importance of the environment. Indication that, seen with still rocks and Kapoposang Islands fishing ban use of explosives by religious leaders. Months voyage in dangerous to do is Kapoposang Islands in December to January every year, in which people local calls that month as the moon's widow.
Attractive locations visited
The view around the Kapoposang isalands and, for Articles Articles And drift diving, snorkeling, tours seagrass observation Marine Other Problems. Mattampa (Sub. Pangkajene), Amputang (sub Segeri Mandella),a panoramic view of nature was an eye new articles and water resources. Langkadea island, Sabalana Island, activities for nautical tourist. Cave articles Sumpang Bitta, new articles cave attractions. In the area there are traditional attractions Husband Pajjukukang culture is held in still pending. Subscription Month in January, Rambu Solo / Rambu Tuka ON July to September In Makassar, The Islands marine tourism complement Kapoposang.The Best Season visit: BETWEEN Month of May till September.
By boat from the Port of Makassar (paotere) to the location of ± 114 km (8-10 hours), or from Maros - location 60 km (6-8 hours), or from the Port of Semen Tonasa - location 60 km (6-8 hours).
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