Barru is one district that is on the west coast province South Sulawesi, located between the coordinates 4 ° 5'49 "47'35" south latitude and 119 °49'35 "south latitude and 119 ° 35'00 - 119 ° 49'16" east longitude with an area1.174.72 km ² is ± 100 km north of Makassar, and 50 km south of Parepare city with coastline of ± 78 km. Barru Trans-Sulawesi on track and is a regional tourist traffic between Makassar Tanah Toraja as a tourist destination. Travel fromMakassar Barru can be applied for 1.5 hours and from city to city Parepare Barru for 45 minutes.
This tourist attraction is located in District Mallusetasi, distance traveled approximately 32 km from the capital district, and among the three islands namely, Dutungeng, Stone Kalasi and Bakki. This marine park is divided into three regions, each with its uniqueness. Region coastal / isnland includes two islands, namely Dutungeng and Bakki, with dense vegetation and net, ideal for sunbathing activities, while a panoramic coastal view, supported by a stretch of white sand beach volleyball to sports.
Meanwhile, for the next region in the form below sea level on the island site Dutungen dives can be done, especially for beginners with a depth of more than 5 meters and snorkling in accordance with the depth contours along the coast with a maximum depth of 5 meters. Ocean view is supported by the uniqueness condition of coral reef diversity is still natural and intact with a depth ranging from 3 to 10 meters and reef fish.
While Bakki island site with a sloping reef flat with a brightness of 100% can be done swimming and diving activities. Various activities can be carried out at this sea park Supported by the diversity of marine life that are decorated by clusters of coral reefs so beautiful.
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